Boycott Fiesta Farms until they remove apartheid medjoul off their shelves


Fiesta Farms states on their website that:

Fiesta Farms might be Toronto’s largest independently owned grocery store and garden centre…“Largest” means we carry the range of products you’d expect from a chain. “Independent” means we can choose what those products are-who makes them, where they come from, what’s in them, their place in the local economy. Stuff like that.

And we’re pretty choosy.

Given that Apartheid medjoul from Hadiklaim under the Myjool brand (imported by NBF) have been seen at Fiesta Farms. We can assume that Fiesta Farms has chosen to side with israeli apartheid and ethnic cleansing.

In light of this, the Canadian BDS Coalition and International Allies calls for a boycott of Fiesta Farms until they take apartheid medjoul dates and products off their shelves, as well as all apartheid produce.

You can read about Hadiklaim at Who Profits. Beyond selling dates from stolen Palestinian land, they also have packing facilities in illegal Israeli settlements.

What you can do

  1. Don’t shop at Fiesta Farms
  2. Let Fiesta Farms management know you will not be shopping at Fiesta Farms as long as they carry apartheid products.
  3. Contact corporate Fiesta Farms to let them know you will not be shopping at their store until they no longer carry apartheid product.

    Call Farm Boy: 416 537-1235 / Socials: Instagram, Facebook

  4. Share information on social media and other networks to let others know that Israeli apartheid medjoul are being sold by Fiesta Farms, and calling them to also boycott Fiesta Farms until these products are removed, and ideally replaced with medjoul from Palestine farmers and packers.

Letter you can use to give to local store keeper

Learn more about apartheid Medjoul as well as Palestinian product that can be purchased.

2024 Ramadan: Boycott Israeli dates. Break fast with Palestinian Medjoul

La source de cet article se trouve sur ce site


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