Two north London charities have become the focus of statutory inquiries by the Charity Commission, which says there are “regulatory concerns” about their trustees’ management and administration,
The two bodies are Solev Co. Limited and Hatzlocho Limited. According to a statement on the Charity Commission’s website, Solev, which was established in 1967, has raised questions about conflicts of interest “given that the trustees were, until recently, all part of the same family. The previous trustees were all closely related”.
The Charity Commission says that “trustees are expected to act in the best interests of the charity and properly manage any conflicts of interest. The inquiry will also investigate why the charity has not submitted accounts and annual returns within the statutory timeframe for the past five years and is currently in default with their 2023 and 2024 accounts, which is a legal obligation for trustees”.
Hatzlocho says its purposes are to “advance the Orthodox Jewish faith and relieve poverty”. The Charity Commission says it is investigating “similar concerns” relating to possible conflicts of interest among the trustees.
Companies House shows close relations between the two charities. According to its website, Joseph Tager and Simon Tager resigned as directors of Solev Co last month. Meanwhile, Helen Tager Flusberg, Suzanne Tager and Nicola Tager all recently resigned as directors of Hazlocho.
All three current trustees recently registered with Solev Co Limited on the commission’s website are also registered as trustees with Hatzlocho.