Tunisian Independence Day and the women who defied colonialism


March 20 of this year marks the 69th anniversary of Tunisia’s independence from French colonialism, which lasted from 1881 until 1956.

This 75-year settlement, referred to as a ‘protectorate’ by French politicians of the time instead of an actual colony, was marked by numerous injustices and crimes against the local population.

Fighting for independence required both physical and mental stamina, along with a willingness to make sacrifices, in order to achieve a delicate and glorious goal that embodied the shared dream of the nation.

Although many people participated in and contributed to this struggle, history has only remembered a small minority of them.

Moreover, the collective memory of this history appears selective, favouring male activists, with Tunisia’s independence remaining, in the collective psyche, linked to figures such as Habib Bourguiba, the country’s first post-independence president, along with others like Tahar Sfar, Farhat Hached, and Chedly Khaznadar.

One way this selective memory was reinforced was through the mainstream educational system, where the version of events favored by those in power was taught to future generations.

Unfortunately, this narrative excluded many activists, including women, and minimised their roles in this significant historical event.

Habib Bourguiba was a Tunisian lawyer, nationalist leader, and statesman who served as prime minister from 1956 to 1957 and then as the first president of Tunisia [Getty]

Game-changers in Tunisian history

That said, although women were marginalised, they were not entirely excluded.

Male politicians often used the names and histories of female activists to enhance their own image, both in Tunisia and abroad, in an effort to project an image of progressivism.

This was not difficult to achieve, as the advocacy of Tunisian female activists had always been closely tied to the defence of women’s rights.

For example, Bchira Ben Mrad, aside from her active participation in demonstrations against French colonialism, her financial and moral support to the families of activists imprisoned by the colonial authorities, and her close collaboration with nationalist leaders such as Habib Bourguiba, founded the Muslim Union of Tunisian Women (UMFT) in 1936.

The UMFT, the first Tunisian women’s organisation, aimed to mobilise Tunisian women in the fight for independence and promote their education and emancipation.

Although the UMFT no longer exists, it played a historic role during the struggle for Tunisian independence and in the first decades of the 20th century.

Bchira Ben Mrad, pictured second from the left [X @Arcdelahistori]

Through her work, Bchira established literacy and education programmes for women and organised courses to raise awareness of their rights and roles in society.

Her advocacy for women’s rights, especially their right to education, work, and political participation, played a key role in preparing Tunisian women to take active roles in society after independence.

Similarly, Radhia Haddad, an active member of the UMFT, was the first female representative in post-independence Tunisia.

She contributed to organising literacy classes and lectures to educate women and encourage them to join the struggle for independence.

Additionally, she worked to improve the living conditions of rural women and informed them about the national movement of resistance against the French.

Radhia Haddad, pictured second from the left [X @DiwanTunissi]

Another emblematic figure was Saïda Sassi, who also played a significant role in both the Tunisian nationalist and feminist movements.

During this time, she took part in demonstrations and protests, and was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured by the French colonial authorities.

Saïda also encouraged women to become involved in the nationalist movement and claim their place in Tunisian society. She also worked to improve the living conditions of women from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Fight for independence and women’s rights already intertwined 

Ultimately, these women were pioneers who paved the way for Tunisian women’s involvement in various fields and their active participation in society.

Their contributions were so impactful that, for Tunisian women, playing an active role in society and being emancipated became ingrained in their culture and an unquestionable standard of life.

This argument is supported by Tunisian director Salma Baccar, who, in her 1994 film La Danse du feu (The Dance of Fire), depicted Tunisian singer Habiba Msika as an emancipated woman for her time in the 1920s.

In one symbolic scene, Habiba is seen on stage in a male-dominated café, preparing for her performance.

Habiba Msika was a Tunisian singer, dancer and actress [X @afikra]

Instead of her usual seductive attire, she wraps the Tunisian flag around her body and sings a poem calling for Tunisia’s independence to the male crowd, who cheer for her. The performance is quickly interrupted by the French police, who arrest Habiba.

This moment is highly symbolic, as it reflects the parallel struggles for independence and women’s rights, both of which were aimed at resisting the oppression of a higher authority.

In fact, Tunisia’s history demonstrates that the fight for independence from French colonialism and the advocacy for women’s rights were intertwined from the very beginning.

When both causes were championed together, efforts were strengthened, and positive results were achieved, as both movements aimed to challenge injustice.

[Cover photo: Habiba Msika (X @historicwomens)]

Tharwa Boulifi is a Tunisian freelancer who writes about feminism, human rights, and social justice. Her work has appeared in Teen Vogue, Newsweek, the New African, and African Arguments

Follow her on X: @TharwaBoulifi

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