UK Ambassador to Israel voices opposition to resumption of war in Gaza


The UK’s Ambassador to Israel Simon Walters has issued a strong statement voicing his opposition to the renewal of the fighting in Gaza.

In a post on social media, Walters said Israel’s latest onslaught would not lead to the defeat of Hamas, nor the return of the hostages.

“Instead, there will be more death: of hostages, of Palestinian civilians, of IDF soldiers,” he said.

Walters added:”I have worked in and around conflicts for thirty years, and grew up in Northern Ireland during the height of the terrorist campaigns.

“One of the main lessons I take from that experience is that at some point the fighting has to stop and the diplomacy begin. That point is now.”

UK ambassador to Israel issues statement

Tuesday’s statement came as Israel’s military confirmed it has dismissed a reservist serving as a combat navigator who announced that he would not report for duty in protest of the government’s conduct and the renewed fighting in the Gaza Strip.

While this was a lone case, reports from Israel said there is concern that refusal to report for duty will become more widespread .

Military chiefs are set to speak with reserve personnel in various squadrons to prevent this.

Walters was appointed his Majesty’s Ambassador to the State of Israel in January 2023 succeeding Neil Wigan OBE.

He had taken full-time Hebrew language lessons  in preparation for the role, having served as the Director for National Security for the Middle East and Africa in the Foreign Office.

Walters also previously worked for the British consulate in Jerusalem from 2008 to 2011, held postings in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Iraq and served in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) in the Arabian Peninsula in 2012.

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