Engel nehassim

164 annonces immobilieres

Apartment 2 rooms | 45 m²

With not missing!, with terrace, beautiful apartment, clear, in a new building, stage high with sight , new, renovated 3.190.000 ₪

3 rooms | 65 m²

Dizengoff Dizengoff gordon 4.200.000 ₪

Apartment 3 rooms | 86 m²

Splendid apartement near kikar rabin bd bengourion Splendid apartement 4.990.000 ₪

Duplex 4 rooms | 200 m²

Neve stedek Neve stedek amazing 12.800.000 ₪

Apartment 3.5 rooms | 100 m²

With not missing!, with terrace, well arranged, calm, clear, in a new building, new, renovated, roomy New bulding near park ayarkon 6.000.000 ₪